Thursday, November 1, 2007

Oh, Fuchsia

you're staring...

Of course, the way you're looking, the way you're staring,
I know your eyes want to escape your face
and roll away, away, away! and
and stare and know, everything...
everything is drowning in the shadows,
everything is huddled with the halos,
the way you lost him, the way you lost them all.
You should enfold yourself in me, you should,
you should suffocate in my skin, you should let it all drown,
you should scream until your lungs are torn
and bloodied little shreds of what they were,
you know,
you know the way, the way your heart beats
and that way you're staring! Stop...
you know you'll slip right through,
you'll figure out all the ways I've turned away
from the light! But they chased me out,
I swear it, they did;
they chased me out but they gave it to me,
you know what,
don't say you don't,
they let it suffer in my sweaty palms,
between my terrible crushing fingers,
they let it live in the veil,
the choking choked ropes of my cruelty!
My sanguine-soaked soul, oh, you know what I've done,
you know how it shrieks right through!
It's red! The sound of red, the smell of red!! You know how I've tried
to chase these things away, to keep them well away, outside,
you know what I've done, what I've changed!
And you've seen how I stare! I stare at the sea,
I stare at the sky, I stare at the You, I stare at the Me!
But I'm trapped, Fuchsia, I'm trapped...
it's like the smallest cell for the giant,
me, me, ME, ME!!
I am that monster!
You can taste it...smell it...the air, oh God, Fuchsia, it slices all around...
STOP STARING!! I'll take your eyes from you.
I will...I swear it...I will take your eyes and then the rest,
I'll prune the limbs from you, I'll take your bones, I'll sell your blood!
Your organs, you know what I can do, you know how it goes!
So I give you this option:
let me murder or manipulate or maim,
let me take what I require, let me give you what you need,
let me let your machines keep working,
your lungs and your heart and maybe a few of your fingers,
and I promise I'll go away;
no beast such as me ever lingers.

Just let me have it!
I'll eat her alive...
I warned her...
I did...

I did.

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