Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Stockholm Syndrome

[because you rose up from the ground
because you threw them all around
because you looked like some pale mad thing
as you tore your way into this ring]

you've become one like the rest of us now
you've opened your new eyes so wide, somehow
you wrenched your lids to rise, not hide
for here you've forced your way inside

[i'd let you drown, if it were up to me
i'd pull you back into the black'ning sea
but you're too strong; you've passed the test
you've gone above, you've crushed all the rest]

so i'll let you have your victory, love
i know how hard you had to claw and shove
to escape your bloodied fate down below
oh, how you flexed your muscles just to know

[what you might find if you fought your way
just to see what we mean by "the light of day"
and though your ways make you my enemy
i will let you continue to...just...be]

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