Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm back?

Wow. So I haven't posted anything on here since December. Well, that's OK. I've been spending most of my time over at LiveJournal, but as of late, I've sort of lost the will to post anything there. Therefore, I'm re-reverting to the Bloggerland. And I've got a whole new intention for this thing.

Well, in retrospect, it's actually not new at all. I think it was my original intent for this...but it never came to fruition. Maybe this time it will. After all, I am closing in on the end of this damnable academic year, and that may mean I'll actually have the time and the intellectual capital to make something out of this. (I hope that's the right "capital." I always forget which one is which.)

Anyway, lately I've been trying to de-conventionalize, if you will, the way that I write. I feel that my journalism classes have made me much more rule-savvy and syntax-compliant than I'd like to be, and it's having the result of squashing some of my best ideas before they can even truly emerge from the depths of my mental primordial soup. Therefore, I want to practice knocking those conventional walls down and capitalize on my desire to do so. And that is what I fully intend to do here.

I'll probably primarily stick to poetry, as that particular mode of expression has suited me best throughout the past month and a half or so. When paging through some of the stuff I've written lately, I tend to get perplexed by my own lack of definite voice or style - and I've noticed that it seems to be because I'm too concerned with making things prosaic. Which is, of course, ridiculous, because I'm supposed to be writing poems! AAH. I wonder if anyone is following this. I barely am myself.

Whatever. To make a long story short, this blog is going to be a sketchbook of sorts. I'm just trying to see if it's possible for me to drop the unnecessary conventions and fly free of the "journalistic" trappings that prevent me from engaging in a FULL-ON ARTISTIC REVOLUTION! So, without further ado, I close this post so that I may start another one, one which will consist of my first attempt at this bulldozing, as it were.


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